I did such an easy and budget friendly update to our sunroom this past weekend. I limewashed our brick. The brick we had in this room has a lot of dimension, but the brick was brown and outdated. We needed to lighten up this space and create a fresher look in this space. The Limewash did just the trick. This is what our space looked like before we limewashed it.
The room looked much brighter with the shiplap we installed, but that brick was still making the room dark and outdated. I do love exposed brick, but, for me, it has to be the right color to leave completely bare. The brick we had was pretty brown, so it was bringing the vibe down. After researching some options, I decided the best option to brighten this space was Limewash for a few reasons:
It is very dimensional, which I love
It is cost effective
It is really easy
It is super flexible, so you can remove Limewash to create a distressed look
Here is what the end result looked like.

I am so happy with the results! It is dimensional and has character all while brightening the room. This was absolutely the right call for this room. Want to know how to do it yourself? Check out the directions below.
How to Limewash Brick
Spray bottle
1. In the mixing bucket, mix together 1 part of the limewash and 1 part water. The Limewash will be chunky, so this may take a while to mix by hand. Be patient because it is worth it!

2. Once the Limewash is mixed, pick a place in the brick where you want to start. You will want to work in sections. I would also recommend testing before you do the whole wall. Using a spray bottle of water, spray an area of the brick wet.

3. Using the brush, start covering the wet brick area.

4. Let this dry for 20-60 minutes.
5. Once this has cured, take off as much of the Limewash as you want with a wet sponge. I did not take any off because I was trying to hide the color of the brick.

6. Repeat steps 2-5 until you reached the desired coverage.

This was such an easy project! I was able to finish this is one day and for under $50. I am so glad I did this. It did exactly what I wanted to lighten and brighten the room. Check out a few more pictures of the space!
What do you think?? Do you like the limewashed brick or do you prefer the natural look?
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